is owned and operated by McGuire Air Compressors, Inc.,
Authorized Distributor for CHAMPION®.
McGuire Air Compressors, Inc.
729 East Elm St, Graham, NC 27253
You're probably asking...
"Who owns"
This site is OWNED & OPERATED by Tommy McGuire and his business McGuire Air Compressors, Inc. and this site sells only CHAMPION® Air Compressors.
Tommy and his company McGuire Air Compressors are AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS for CHAMPION® Air Compressors. CHAMPION® is owned by Gardner Denver and has quality equipment with an excellent Warranty.
Tommy started his business servicing and selling AIR COMPRESSORS over 25 years ago. Before that, he was a CERTIFIED MASTER MECHANIC in the automotive industry. He grew up working in his Dad's auto repair shop and "learned to fix almost anything." Tommy's knowledge of air compressor systems, compressed air dryers, controls, and related equipment is quite extensive. He even assists many engineers and contractors in determining what equipment they need for the most efficient compressed air system.

Since 1981, Tommy has owned and operated McGuire Air Compressors in Graham, NC. He and his staff of Certified Service Technicians have worked with compressors from ½ horsepower to over 700 hp. McGuire Air Compressors, Inc. is located in a 10,000 square foot facility in the heart of Piedmont North Carolina. If you are in this immediate area and need SERVICE WORK, feel free to call.
Thanks for checking out WHO we are!
McGuire Air Compressors, Inc
729 East Elm St, Graham NC 27253
Phone: 1-888-229-9999 or
(336) 229-9999
Other websites owned by McGuire Air Compressors, Inc.
and Welding Cable Reels and Electric Cord Reels